朝陽科技大學 095學年度第2學期教學大綱
Workplace English 在職英文

當期課號 3590 Course Number 3590
授課教師 黃慧如 Instructor HUANG,HUI JU
中文課名 在職英文 Course Name Workplace English
開課單位 校訂必修(二進) Department  
修習別 必修 Required/Elective Required
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 本課程是進修部二技大三學生的一學期必修課程。本課程之目標在於幫助學生提升其英文溝通能力以及增加其職場的英文能力。 Objectives This one-semester course is required for all junior students who are enrolled in the two-year evening program. The goal of this course is to help students enhance their overall English language proficiency as well as increase their workplace English skills.
教材 Survival English-International Cmmunication for Professional People
(by Peter Viney)
Teaching Materials Survival English-International Cmmunication for Professional People
(by Peter Viney)
成績評量方式 出席率,出席,小考及作業:40%
Grading participation, quizzes and homework:40%
final exam:30%
教學內容 計程車上會話、自我介紹、預約會話、安排事務會話、工作介紹會話、便利商店會話、旅館住宿對話、旅館資訊、介紹他人認識的會話、開啟對話、餐廳對話、機場登機對話、機場安檢會話、飛機上對話、機上機長宣告事項、購物商場會話、旅館大廳對話、 健身中心會話、寒喧、當地特產主題會話、 電話會話 Syllabus Taxi, Introductions, Appointments, Arrangements, What do you do?, The conversation store, Check-in at a hotel, Hotel information, Metting people, Starting concersations, A restaurant meal, Flight UA755, Security, Traveling companions, In flight, A trup to the mall, Hotel lobby, Futness Center, Small talk, Local specialties, On the phone