朝陽科技大學 095學年度第2學期教學大綱
Experimentation & Application of Colors 色彩實驗與應用

當期課號 1774 Course Number 1774
授課教師 李慧芳 Instructor LEE,HUI FANG
中文課名 色彩實驗與應用 Course Name Experimentation & Application of Colors
開課單位 視覺傳達設計系(四日)一A Department  
修習別 必修 Required/Elective Required
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 1、實際體驗各種色彩並能仔細分析
Objectives 1. Experiencing colors physically, emotionally, and spiritually and be able to analyze them
2. Understanding different reactions on the main colors from individual human being
3. Fostering further the inner sensibility on colors and be able to apply it into the practice of Design.
教材 Color Theory Made Easy, (1996), Jim Ames,Watson-Guptill Publications.

Teaching Materials Color Theory Made Easy, (1996), Jim Ames,Watson-Guptill Publications.

成績評量方式 50% 作品 (色彩感覺40%,專注度40﹪,完成度20%)
50% 實驗紀錄 (用心度50% 完整度50﹪)
Grading experimental sheets 50%
color painting works 50%
教學內容 1. 增進同學對色彩的體驗與應用能力
2. 與古蹟巡禮、民間生活觀察結合。
Syllabus 1. Improve students' color senses and abilities in dealing with colors in water color painting.

2. the learning is combined the observations about the fork lives in local rigion.