朝陽科技大學 095學年度第2學期教學大綱
Contracts and Specifications 契約與規範

當期課號 1451 Course Number 1451
授課教師 伍勝民 Instructor WU,SHENG MIN
中文課名 契約與規範 Course Name Contracts and Specifications
開課單位 營建工程系(四日)三A Department  
修習別 選修 Required/Elective Elective
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 契約與規範是訂約雙方執行工作的重要依據,明確的觀念至為重要。此課程介紹契約與規範的概念,契約與規範的種類及使用時機、民法的契約有關條文、國內與國際工程契約、工程設計與施工契約、工程發包制度與作業、規範與合約及圖樣的關係,不公平、不完整、不明確契約條文、不實際的規範條文、有利於解決紛爭的條文、爭議解決與仲裁。 Objectives Contracts and specifications are imperative for parties involved in a task and cannot afford to be vague. This course introduces basic concepts, categories and usage of contracts and specifications. Also presented are related provisions in civil law, domestic and international construction contracts, engineering design and construction contracts, construction contracting and bidding system. Furthermore, how to resolve the disputed issues related to contracts and drawings, unfair, unclearly, and unpractical contract and specification terms, and the process for the arbitration are introduced.
教材 1."契約與規範",張德周著,文笙書局。
Teaching Materials  
成績評量方式 1.上課精神與出席率(10%) 2.習題與作業(30%) 3.期中考(30%) 4.期末考(30%) Grading attendance 10%
project 30%
mid-term 30%
final 30%
教學內容 契約、工程契約之種類、工程契約之製作及文件、工程契約與規範用語、工程之發包與施工、工程契約之訂定程序、工程契約之監督執行與變更、契約條款之解釋與仲裁。 Syllabus Conditions of contract, Assignment and Sub-Letting, Contract documents Contractor's employees. Design specifications, material standard, construction standard, Duty of constract, third party insurance. Frustration, settlement of disputes-arbitrations.