朝陽科技大學 095學年度第2學期教學大綱
Business Development and Management 業務開拓與管理

當期課號 1147 Course Number 1147
授課教師 蔡維修 Instructor TSAI,WEI HSIU
中文課名 業務開拓與管理 Course Name Business Development and Management
開課單位 企業管理系(四日)二A Department  
修習別 選修 Required/Elective Elective
學分數 3 Credits 3
課程目標 本課程主要在於傳授學生業務開拓與管理之相關理論及內涵,並輔以案教學,使學生從個案討論之訓練中充實業務開拓與管理實務知識。本課程主要內容如下:1.訓練學生如何推銷產品2.增進學生對業務管理的能力與價值3.強化學生與業界的人脈經營。 Objectives The analyzing and designing of business development and management focus on the undergraduate level course. This course provides and analysis of business development and management and its importance in the economy and in business management. To train the capability of students in products promotion, value improving, and relationship enhancing.
教材 1整合行銷傳播-全方位理論架構與本土實務個案,戴國良著,五南。
2科特勒談行銷,Philip Kotler原著,高登第譯.遠流(2000)
Teaching Materials  
成績評量方式 1.期中考(40%)2.個案報告(40%)4.出席與平常成績(20%) Grading 1.Midterm examination(40%)
2.Case report(40%)
4.Presention and Ordinary(20%)
教學內容 本課程乃朝向提昇學生對於開發業務方面知識之領會而設計,本課程之目的有三:(1)使學生熟悉企業市場所需之知識與技巧;(2)輔以個案教學,使學生從個案研討之訓練中充實行銷與管理實務知識。如:確認顧客需求,決定組織最能滿足其需求的目標市場,設計適當的開發行動計劃來滿足市場的需求;(3)輔助學生評估環境變遷對於企業市場之影響並取得適當之競爭性策略,對此改變做出適切之回應。 Syllabus This course is designed to enhance the understanding of developing business . The specific objectives are three: (1) to acquaint the student with the knowledge and skill needed for business markets, (2)to identify customer demand,determines which target markets the organization can serve best,
And designs appropriate programs to serve these markets , and (3) to assist the students in evaluating the impact of environmental changes on business markets and derive competitive strategies to respond to these changes.