朝陽科技大學 095學年度第2學期教學大綱
Advanced English Reading 進階英文閱讀

當期課號 0303 Course Number 0303
授課教師 陳數紅 Instructor CHEN,SHU HUNG
中文課名 進階英文閱讀 Course Name Advanced English Reading
開課單位 校訂選修(日間部) Department  
修習別 選修 Required/Elective Elective
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 課程設計提供多樣的閱讀技巧與教材,並提升學生的閱讀理解與批判性的思考能力。 Objectives This course is designed to provide students with a variety of reading techniques and materials to enhance their reading comprehension and critical-thinking ability.
教材 Creative Reading 1 Teaching Materials Creative Reading 1
成績評量方式 出席 20%
平時考 30%
期中考 25%
期末考 25%
Grading Participation 20%
Quizzes 30%
Mid-term 25%
Final 25%
教學內容 課程描述
本課程的設計是針對非英語系的學生。內容強調廣泛的英語學習,有閱讀、寫作及文法等練習。我們的教科書的選用為 Creative Reading 1。除了讀寫,課後討論亦是重點。學生須正常出席並參與課內討論,課程中將包括小考、文法練習及簡短的報告。未經請假而未出席者成績將會有所影響。
Syllabus Course Description
This course is designed for those who are not English majors. We emphasize comprehensive learning including skills of reading and writing, and grammar practice. We have Creative Reading 1 as our text book. Aside from skills of reading and writing, discussion is also important in class. Students are required to attend class regularly and encouraged to participate in class discussion. We have quizzes, writing practice, and short presentation in the class. Absence without leave will affect your grades.