朝陽科技大學 095學年度第2學期教學大綱
The social transition in modern China 近代中國社會變遷

當期課號 0056 Course Number 0056
授課教師 張齊顯 Instructor ,
中文課名 近代中國社會變遷 Course Name The social transition in modern China
開課單位 歷史與文明課群(日) Department  
修習別 選擇必修 Required/Elective Topics in History and Civilization
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 一、以專題討論為重點,以了解近代中國轉變的脈絡。希望對進代中國歷史的發展有更深層的
Objectives 1. This course aims at exploring the causes and the significance of the transition of
modern China through a series of project discussion.
2. To explore the transition of ploitic, society, economy, culture of modern China.
教材 1.各單元教材不一,由老師提供選讀
Teaching Materials  
成績評量方式 期中考:30%
Grading Mid-term exam 30%
Final report or exam 30%
Student's involvment and attendance 40%
教學內容 1. 導讀
2. 白銀資本
3. 清末中國社會對西方文化的認知
4. 十九世紀末業知識份子的變法思想
5. 民國初年的上海生活
6. 新文化運動的深化與廣化
7. 鴛鴦蝴蝶派之文學與電影
8. 國粹學派
9. 中國共產思想的起源
Syllabus 1.Introduce.
2.ReOrient: The Global Economy in the Asian Age.
3.Between Tradition and Modernity.
4.Reform Thought in the Late Ch'ing.
5.Shanghai Modern: the Flowering of a New Urban Culture in China.
6.The New Culture Movement:The Dream of the Chinese Renaissance.
7.The Romantics Literature:Mandarin duck and butterfly school.
8.The National School.
9.The Origin of the CCP Thought.
10.The Evolve of the Modern Chinese Literature.
11.The Yellow River.
12.Taiwan Social and ecomomical reformation after World War II.