朝陽科技大學 095學年度第1學期教學大綱
Introduction to War 戰爭概論

當期課號 9090 Course Number 9090
授課教師 林政明 Instructor LIN,CHENG MING
中文課名 戰爭概論 Course Name Introduction to War
開課單位 校訂選修(進修部) Department  
修習別 選修 Required/Elective Elective
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 為使學生了解戰爭的涵義與指導要領,藉以體認『好戰必亡,忘戰必危』的真義,並進一步闡述戰爭指導作為,使學生明瞭『為誰而戰,為何而戰』,以增進憂患意識,建立防衛國家主權信念之目的,將以1.戰爭的基本認識2.戰爭的演變3.戰爭要素4.戰爭哲學5.戰爭指導等主題予學生講授與討論。 Objectives To make students understand the meaning of war and the principles of war guidance, this course will first introduce the views and dangers for being warlike and anti-war. Later, the course will further expand on the actions of war guidance in order to make students realize “who” and “what” we may fight for. Thus, the main purposes of this course are to increase their apprehensive consciousness and to build up their convictions for defending the sovereignty of the country. The following five areas will be covered: 1.The Basic Introduction for War 2.The Evolution of War 3.The Essentials of War 4.The Philosophy of War 5.The presentation and discussion of students on the related topics of war guidance.
教材 戰爭概論教育部學生軍訓處主編 幼獅文化事業公司印行 The Introduction to War Edited by Department of Student Military Education, Ministry of Education, Published by Youth Cultural Co., Ltd. Teaching Materials  
成績評量方式 一、期中考試30% 二、期末考試30% 三、專題報告30% 四、平時成績10% Grading Grading 1. Midterm test 30% 2. Final test 30% 3. Report30% 4. Ordinary tests 10%
教學內容 一.戰爭的涵義、起因、目的、本質、效應與特性
二.戰爭的演變:1.性質演變 2.戰具演變 3.型態演變
三.戰爭要素:1.時間與空間 2.物力與科學 3. 現有兵力與國民武力 4.人力與精神
Syllabus Ⅰ.The meaning of war,the cause of war,the purpose of war,the nature of war,the effect and characteristics of war.

Ⅱ.The evolution of war:(1) the characteristic evolution of war (2)the evolution of armaments (3)the evolution of war patterns

Ⅲ.The essentials of war (1)Time and space (2)Material resources and technology (3) Existing armed forces and national military strength (4)Manpower and spirit

Ⅳ.The philosophy of war

Ⅴ.The guidance of war: theory of war guidance,the scale of war preparation,and the guidance of peace.