朝陽科技大學 095學年度第1學期教學大綱
Survey of the Art of Sculptures 雕塑藝術巡禮

當期課號 9053 Course Number 9053
授課教師 王英信 Instructor WANG,YING HSIN
中文課名 雕塑藝術巡禮 Course Name Survey of the Art of Sculptures
開課單位 生活智能課群(進) Department  
修習別 選擇必修 Required/Elective Topics in Life, Society ,and Science
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 1.對雕塑藝術欣賞基礎概念的養成進而實際透過自己親自塑造.體驗雕塑創作之樂趣. 2.分鑑賞及實作兩部分. Objectives 1.To carve the art and appreciate the foundation concept and cultivate and mold personally through the oneself then and physically. 2.Appreciate separately and solid make two parts.
教材 可用指定教科書.教師自編教材.雕塑材料 (油土.雕塑刀.圖畫紙.相片等) Teaching Materials  
成績評量方式 1.出席情況與上課參與程度30% 2.按時交作業30% 3.期中期末作品製作40% Grading 1.Attend the condition and have a class and participate the degree.30% 2.Hand over the homework on time.30% 3.To make works in the midterm examination and final exam.40%
教師網頁 http://www.wang-art.com.tw/
教學內容 1.對雕塑藝術欣賞基礎概念的養成進而實際透過自己親自塑造.體驗雕塑創作之樂趣. 2.分鑑賞及實作兩部分. Syllabus 1.To carve the art and appreciate the foundation concept and cultivate and mold personally through the oneself then and physically. 2.Appreciate separately and solid make two parts.