朝陽科技大學 095學年度第1學期教學大綱
Instroduction to Public Administration 行政學概要

當期課號 9039 Course Number 9039
授課教師 周志鴻 Instructor ,
中文課名 行政學概要 Course Name Instroduction to Public Administration
開課單位 法政與社會課群(進) Department  
修習別 選擇必修 Required/Elective Topics in Jurisprudence And Social Science
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 行政學一門理論與實務並重的學問與知識,又稱公共行政學(public administration)是一門起步較晚但發展快速的社會科學,所謂(行政)乃指公務的推行,舉凡政府機關或公務機構的業務,如何使之更有效推行均謂之. 公共行政的若干核心主題 Objectives Public administration is the process by which resource are marshaled and then used to cope with the problem facing a political community. After the class , the students will have comprehensive understanding of practice of public administration.
教材 1.張潤書(民91年),《行政學》,台北:三民書局。
3.呂育誠等合譯(2002年),Rosenbloom,D.H. & Kravchuk,R.S.原著《行政學-管理﹑政治﹑法律的觀點》,台北:學富文化事業公司。
6.顧淑馨譯(2004年),Covey,Stephen.R.原著,《與成功有約》(The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People:Restoring the Character Ethic),台北:天下遠見出版公司。
7.殷文譯(2005年),Covey,Stephen.R.原著,《從成功到卓越》(The 8th Habit:From Effectiveness to Greatness),台北:天下遠見出版公司。
Teaching Materials  
成績評量方式 1.平時成績40%(含平時測驗﹑討論情形及到課狀況) 2.期中考30% 3.期末考30% Grading 1.Ordinary Performance (Participation and Attendance) 40%
2. Mid-term 30% 3. Final Exam 30%
教學內容 行政學是對行政現象與事實作有組織﹑有計劃的研究而獲得的原理﹑法則,和系統的知識。故行政學內容包含政府公務部門,行政﹑立法﹑司法及三者間之互動關係,公共政策的制訂,與企業管理的異同,及和一般民間組織之密切關係...等等。本課程旨在使學生了解以上內容之理論與實務,俾將來成為助益行政革新與行政學術發展之力量。 Syllabus Public administration is cooperative group effort in a public setting. It covers all three branches-executive and judicial-and their interrelationships. It has an important role in the formulation of public policy and is thus a part of the political process.It is different in significant ways from private administration, and also closely associated with numerous private groups and individuals in providing services to the community. After the course, the students are supposed to have comprehensive understanding of the underlying theories and practice of Public administration .Hopefully it will improve the administrative reform and development of the ROC in the future.