朝陽科技大學 095學年度第1學期教學大綱
Aerobic 有氧舞蹈

當期課號 9024 Course Number 9024
授課教師 郎秀玲 Instructor CANG,HSIU LING
中文課名 有氧舞蹈 Course Name Aerobic
開課單位 選項體育課群(進) Department  
修習別 選擇必修 Required/Elective Sports Elective
學分數 0 Credits 0
課程目標 有氧舞蹈是有氧運動的一種。有氧運動必須符合以下的條件:運動要持續十五至廿分鐘,一定要使大肌肉群(像大腿肌、胸肌、腹肌等)有足夠的運動強度,有氧舞蹈不但可以解除身心方面的壓力,還可以健身健美,有助於健康。 Objectives Aerobic dancing is a form of aerobic exercises. Aerobics must have these physical requirements satisfied: Aerobic exercises have to be done consecutively for 15 minutes to 20 minutes, and have groups of large muscles like leg muscles, chest muscles, belly muscles, and so on, stretched with certain strength. In addition, aerobic dancing cannot only relieve bodily and spiritual pressure but keep body in shape and healthy.
教材 音響.麥克風.錄音帶.CD Teaching Materials  
成績評量方式 成績評量方式 出席30% 期中30% 期末40% Grading Participation 30% Mid-term Exam. 30% Final Exam. 40%
教學內容 1.認識有氧舞蹈類型(低-高衝擊,階梯踏板,拳擊有氧)
4 音樂配合
Syllabus 1.Introduction to arebic dancing styles
(Hi-Lo, Step, Teibo)
2.Various expressions of limbs function
3.Exercises of rhythmic movement
4.Dancing to the music