朝陽科技大學 095學年度第1學期教學大綱
Research Methodology 研究方法論

當期課號 7361 Course Number 7361
授課教師 陳榮靜 Instructor CHEN,RUNG CHING
中文課名 研究方法論 Course Name Research Methodology
開課單位 資訊管理系碩士班一A Department  
修習別 必修 Required/Elective Required
學分數 1 Credits 1
課程目標 本課程的目的是讓學生瞭解如何以系統化的科學方法來進行研究,以產出具有品質的研究成果。課程內容包括了研究的規劃與設計、研究計畫書的撰寫與評估、研究設計的方法、資料蒐集的方式、資料分析、以及研究成果的呈現。除了研究方法理論的介紹,並從資管相關學術期刊中選取數篇學術論文,探討如何適當地運用研究方法來進行資管相關研究。 Objectives The purpose of this course is to teach the students how to conduct research with systematic and scientific methods in order to achieve high quality research performance. The contents of the course include planning and design of the research, writing and evaluation of proposals, design of research methods, data gathering and analysis, and presentation of the research results. Besides the introduction to research methodology, papers related to information management will be selected as reading materials. Discussions will also be conducted aiming at using appropriate research methods for information management related research.
教材 1.研究方法:步驟化學習指南, 潘中道、黃瑋瑩、胡 龍騰(譯)。台北:學富
2. Research methodology: A step-By-step guide for beginners.Ranjit Kumar,2005, 書林
Teaching Materials 1.研究方法:步驟化學習指南, 潘中道、黃瑋瑩、胡 龍騰(譯)。台北:學富
2. Research methodology: A step-By-step guide for beginners.Ranjit Kumar,2005, 書林
成績評量方式 1.研究計畫(30%)
2.導讀與課堂參與與口語報告 (30%)
3.期末考試 (20%))
Grading 1. research report(30%)
2. learning behavior and oral report(30%)
3. final test(20%)
4. homework(10%)
教師網頁 http://www.cyut.edu.tw/~crching
教學內容 課程內容包括了研究的規劃與設計、研究計畫書的撰寫與評估、研究設計的方法、資料蒐集的方式、資料分析、以及研究成果的呈現。除了研究方法理論的介紹,並從資管相關學術期刊中選取數篇學術論文,探討如何適當地運用研究方法來進行資管相關研究。 Syllabus The contents of the course include planning and design of the research, writing and evaluation of proposals, design of research methods, data gathering and analysis, and presentation of the research results. Besides the introduction to research methodology, papers related to information management will be select as reading materials. Discussions will also be conducted aiming at using appropriate research methods for information management related research.