朝陽科技大學 095學年度第1學期教學大綱
Technical Writing 論文寫作

當期課號 7358 Course Number 7358
授課教師 陳榮靜 Instructor CHEN,RUNG CHING
中文課名 論文寫作 Course Name Technical Writing
開課單位 資訊管理系碩士班一A Department  
修習別 必修 Required/Elective Required
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 本課程之目的在於改善學生的寫作技巧,以便能將所學方法運用在其管理或科技生涯中之各種文章的撰寫。此外,藉由強調研究論文之寫作,本課程將訓練學生們如何撰寫高品質之研究計畫書、研究報告、以及學術論文等,同時,也提供許多論文撰寫作業,使得學生們在未來生涯中均能如同領域專家一般撰寫專業文章。除了寫作技巧外,專業寫作過程中經常牽涉的倫理議題亦將會討論。 Objectives This intention of this course is to improve students’ writing skills such that they can apply the methods to professional writing contexts in their scientific or managerial career path. In addition, with the emphasis on research documentation, students will be trained intensively to write high quality research proposals, reports, and papers. The main goal with this course is to provide an opportunity to write towards individual futures, so that with each assignment the students will learn how to represent themselves effectively as authorities in their field. Ethical issues will also be discussed which are always involved in professional technical writing.
教材 1.a Professional Plain English Handbook, The institute of electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, 2004
Teaching Materials 1.a Professional Plain English Handbook, The institute of electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, 2004
成績評量方式 1.作業(30%)
2.導讀與課堂參 (30%)
3.期末考試 (20%))
Grading 1. homework (30%)
2. reading and testing(30%)
3. final testing(20%)
4. middle testing(20%)
教師網頁 http://www.cyut.edu.tw/~crching
教學內容 本課程將訓練學生們如何撰寫高品質之研究計畫書、研究報告、以及學術論文等,同時,也提供許多論文撰寫作業,使得學生們在未來生涯中均能如同領域專家一般撰寫專業文章。除了寫作技巧外,專業寫作過程中經常牽涉的倫理議題亦將會討論。 Syllabus The main goal with this course is to provide an opportunity to write towards individual futures, so that with each assignment the students will learn how to represent themselves effectively as authorities in their field. Ethical issues will also be discussed which are always involved in professional technical writing.