朝陽科技大學 095學年度第1學期教學大綱
Visual Communication Design 視覺傳達設計研究

當期課號 7291 Course Number 7291
授課教師 王桂沰 Instructor WANG,KUEI TO
中文課名 視覺傳達設計研究 Course Name Visual Communication Design
開課單位 設計研究所碩士班一A Department  
修習別 選修 Required/Elective Elective
學分數 3 Credits 3
課程目標 本課程講授與實際操作並重,預定達到下列學習目標:
Objectives The purpose of this course is to facilitate students with most available research methodologies to develop design subject paper and build graphic design creativity, so that students could know how to apply these methodologies in their own graphic design projects.
教材 教師自訂教材與電腦輔助資料。 Teaching Materials self-made material
成績評量方式 到課與課堂參與情形 30%
平時作業成績 10%
四次主要作業成績 60%
Grading Class participation 30%
Reguler assignment10%
Four major projects 60%
教師網頁 www.identitylab.tw
教學內容 本課程設定為視覺傳達設計之階段性實務演練。分為四個主要層次,分別就文字、圖像、空間與媒材進行主題性之創意開發與落實表現,重點置於個人主題之聚焦與設計化的決策、創意與實驗的掌控,及作品提案的專業性與策略訓練。 Syllabus This course aims at the practical training of step by step visual communication deisgn. Typography, image, space and texture are main layers for exploration. Emphasis would be placed on individual's agenda-setting, enlightment of creative thinking and experiment manipulation ,and the evaluation of professional quality with visual presentation.