朝陽科技大學 095學年度第1學期教學大綱
Internet Programming 網際系統發展

當期課號 3816 Course Number 3816
授課教師 蔡綿綜 Instructor TSAI,MIEN TSUNG
中文課名 網際系統發展 Course Name Internet Programming
開課單位 資訊管理系(二進)三A Department  
修習別 選修 Required/Elective Elective
學分數 3 Credits 3
課程目標 1.HTML語法 2.JavaScript介紹 3.PHP簡介及基本語法 4.PHPP的運算式語言 5.PHP的表單處理與Cookie 6.PHP的資料庫應用 7.PHP進階議題 8.AJAX Objectives 1.HTML syntax 2.JavaScript introduction 3.Basic PHP syntax 4. Expression Language 5. Form processing and Cookie 7. PHP with database 8. Advanced topics of PHP 8.AJAX
教材 JSP 動態網頁入門實務 文魁 W3135
JSP 2.0網頁設計範例教本 學貫
Core Servlets and JavaServer Pages, Vol. 1: Core Technologies, Second Edition (Paperback)
Teaching Materials JSP 動態網頁入門實務 文魁 W3135
JSP 2.0網頁設計範例教本 學貫
Core Servlets and JavaServer Pages, Vol. 1: Core Technologies, Second Edition (Paperback)
成績評量方式 平時成績 30%
期中考試 30%
期末專題 40%
Grading Tests in class (30%)
Midterm exam (30%)
Final project (40%)
教學內容 Chapter 1:
An Overview of Servlet and JSP Technology

Chapter 2:
Server Setup and Configuration

Chapter 3:
Servlet Basics

Chapter 4:
Handling the Client Request: Form Data

Chapter 5:
Handling the Client Request: HTTP Request Headers

Chapter 6:
Generating the Server Response: HTTP Status Codes

Chapter 7:
Generating the Server Response: HTTP Response Headers

Chapter 8:
Handling Cookies

Chapter 9:
Session Tracking

Chapter 10:
Overview of JSP Technology

Chapter 11:
Invoking Java Code with JSP Scripting Elements

Chapter 12:
Controlling the Structure of Generated Servlets: The JSP page Directive

Chapter 13:
Including Files and Applets in JSP Pages

Chapter 14:
Using JavaBeans Components in JSP Documents

Chapter 15:
Integrating Servlets and JSP: The Model View Controller (MVC) Architecture

Chapter 16:
Simplifying Access to Java Code: The JSP 2.0 Expression Language

Chapter 17:
Accessing Databases with JDBC

Chapter 18:
Configuring MySQL

Chapter 19:
Creating and Processing HTML Forms
Syllabus Chapter 1:
An Overview of Servlet and JSP Technology
Chapter 2:
Server Setup and Configuration
Chapter 3:
Servlet Basics
Chapter 4:
Handling the Client Request: Form Data
Chapter 5:
Handling the Client Request: HTTP Request Headers
Chapter 6:
Generating the Server Response: HTTP Status Codes
Chapter 7:
Generating the Server Response: HTTP Response Headers
Chapter 8:
Handling Cookies
Chapter 9:
Session Tracking
Chapter 10:
Overview of JSP Technology
Chapter 11:
Invoking Java Code with JSP Scripting Elements
Chapter 12:
Controlling the Structure of Generated Servlets: The JSP page Directive
Chapter 13:
Including Files and Applets in JSP Pages
Chapter 14:
Using JavaBeans Components in JSP Documents
Chapter 15:
Integrating Servlets and JSP: The Model View Controller (MVC) Architecture
Chapter 16:
Simplifying Access to Java Code: The JSP 2.0 Expression Language
Chapter 17:
Accessing Databases with JDBC
Chapter 18:
Configuring MySQL

Chapter 19:
Creating and Processing HTML Forms