朝陽科技大學 095學年度第1學期教學大綱
Welfare Service of Woman 婦女福利服務

當期課號 3780 Course Number 3780
授課教師 吳敏欣 Instructor WU,MIN HSIN
中文課名 婦女福利服務 Course Name Welfare Service of Woman
開課單位 社會工作系(四進)五A Department  
修習別 選修 Required/Elective Elective
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 本課程運用一般教學、機構介紹、影片欣賞、互動討論等方式,協助修習同學瞭解台灣婦女之處境與福利需求,協助修習同學分析台灣婦女福利之現況與努力方向,以提升婦女工作之知能,以為日後婦女社會工作做好準備。 Objectives This course will introduce the welfare service of women in Taiwan, including women and poverty, women and security, women and family, women and work, women and social attendance.
教材 社區發展季刊等期刊文章與相關書籍 Teaching Materials  
成績評量方式 1.課堂出席 10%;2.期中考試 30%;3.期末考試 30%; 4.平時成績 10%; 5.作業 20% Grading 1.Attendance;2.Mid-term exam;3.Final exam; 4.presentation; 5.homework
教學內容 1.學生需要閱讀婦女福利相關法條與文章,了解現行福利狀況。
Syllabus 1.Students have to read related laws and articles of women welfare services, and understand how welfare is going now.
2.Students have to discuss in the class and share the practical experiences of welfare services.
3.Students have to analyze the interested welfare service to explore the strengths and defaults.