朝陽科技大學 095學年度第1學期教學大綱
Post Design 海報設計

當期課號 3709 Course Number 3709
授課教師 葉慧君 Instructor YEH,HUI CHUN
中文課名 海報設計 Course Name Post Design
開課單位 幼兒保育系(四進)四A Department  
修習別 選修 Required/Elective Elective
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 本課程內容主要在演練麥克筆各種字體的變化、插圖與編排設計的方法、立體紙雕的製作、手繪變體字的設計與應用、色彩配色的原理與技巧及各種表現技法的認識。透過本課程學生將習得如何製作海報的技巧與原理。 Objectives This course will explore and learn ways to make different kinds of letters with using a magic marker, method of illustration, layout, and the three- dimension paper carves, design and application of hand writing, the theories and techniques of color and various kinds of performing technique. The students will learn how to make different kinds of theories and techniques of poster.
教材 講義 Teaching Materials lecture handout
成績評量方式 上課表現及出席率﹝10%﹞
Grading presence10%
教師網頁 jewa000@ms45.hinet.net
教學內容 ※麥克筆各種字體的變化演練
Syllabus The mike pen each kind of typeface change trains

Illustration and arrangement design method

The three dimensional paper carves manufacture

Hand painted anomalous form character design and application

The color matches colors principle and skill

Each kind of performance technique understanding