朝陽科技大學 095學年度第1學期教學大綱
Young Children Literature 幼兒文學

當期課號 3696 Course Number 3696
授課教師 房美秋 Instructor FANG,MEI CHIU
中文課名 幼兒文學 Course Name Young Children Literature
開課單位 幼兒保育系(四進)三A Department  
修習別 選修 Required/Elective Elective
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 幼兒文學乃針對0-8歲兒童的語文閱讀學習,藉幼兒文學的基礎理論與內涵,提供學生瞭解如何選擇好的幼兒文學作品,以引導幼兒進行閱讀,並與課程結合,使文學融入幼兒的生活學習之中。 Objectives The course is aimed for literacy and reading learning for children aged 0-8. Students will learn fundamental theories and content of literature for young children, know how to choose good works, know how to lead reading activities for young children, integrate literature with other curriculum, and combine literature and life experiences of young children.
教材 課堂筆記、閱讀書目: 幼兒文學概論 黃郇媖著(光佑)、幼兒文學 張宜玲著(華騰)、快樂的學習 林佩蓉譯(光佑)、全語言幼稚園 薛曉華譯(光佑)、藝術的童年 林徵玲譯(玉山社)、Through the Eyes of a Child by Donna Norton (Merril Prentice Hall) 、Books to Build On by E.D. Hirsch, JR. (Delta)、 Children's Literature: an illustrated history by Peter Hunt (Oxford) Teaching Materials  
成績評量方式 出席參與(30%)、不同形式的兒童文學設計與討論(40%)、期末考與心得分享(30%) Grading Attendance and participation (30%)、 Group Discussion and Design Report(40%) 、Final Exam and Sharing (30%)
教學內容 透過成人精心的安排, 運用不同的兒童文學形式, 讓兒童在自然成長經驗裡, 增加對文學的記憶、感動和對話。
整理語言發展與兒童文學介入的契機, 藉著環境和自然情境的設計, 讓兒童產生對文學的魅力與趣味性。
Syllabus Through selective and suggested children's literature, we try to help young children to search for books that not only can play significant roles in children's lives and values but also can appreciate and enjoy an adventure in literary heritage.
Considering the importance of children's stages of language, cognitive, peronality, and social development, we need to provide the appropriate books that reflect the needs of children in different maturing learning process.