朝陽科技大學 095學年度第1學期教學大綱
Montessori Sensorial Education: Theory and Practice 蒙特梭利感覺教育理論與實務

當期課號 3695 Course Number 3695
授課教師 倪用直 Instructor NI,YOUNG CHIH
中文課名 蒙特梭利感覺教育理論與實務 Course Name Montessori Sensorial Education: Theory and Practice
開課單位 幼兒保育系(四進)三A Department  
修習別 選修 Required/Elective Elective
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 本課程旨在培養學生三至六歲蒙特梭利感官教育教學專長,課程內容包括:
Objectives The course is aimed to develop students’ expertise in Montessori Sensorial Education for children aged 3 to 6 year olds. The curriculum content includes:
1.Lectures about philosophy of Montessori Sensory Education
2.Demonstrations of Montessori Sensory materials
3.Extended activities of Montessori Sensory Education
教材 蒙台梭利教育:理論與實踐:感覺教育,岩田陽子著,新民
Teaching Materials Montessori Method, Vol.3: Sensorial Education, Shin-Min Publisher, Taipei
The Absorbent Mind, Je-Yao Publisher
成績評量方式 出席: 15%
筆記: 20%
教具創作: 15%
期中考: 20%
期末操作考: 30%
Grading Attendance: 15%
Work Album: 20%
Self-made Sensorial Material: 15%
Midtern: 20%
Final Demonstration Exam: 30%
教學內容 本課程主要探討蒙特梭利感覺教育理論與實務。課堂內將引導學生對蒙特梭利感覺教育理論及教學做深入探討,並學習如何操作蒙特梭利感覺教具。學生並引導以感覺教育理論為基礎自行架構研發相關教具。本課程最深期許為學生除能對蒙特梭利感覺教育理論概念做深入瞭解,以架構紮實感覺教育理念外,並能將理念及教學實務正確融入一般教育環境,以達活學活用效果。 Syllabus The purpose of this course is to examine the theory and practice of the Montessori sensorial education method. The students in this course are expected to learn how to operate and familiar with of Montessori sensorial materials. The final goal of this course is expected that students could
incorporated such theory as well as education method into ordinary preschool environments other than Montessori classroom in order to
comprehended the method in a practical manner.