朝陽科技大學 095學年度第1學期教學大綱
Introduction and Application in Audio-visual Media of Instruction 視聽教學媒體認識與應用

當期課號 3693 Course Number 3693
授課教師 余曉曄 Instructor  
中文課名 視聽教學媒體認識與應用 Course Name Introduction and Application in Audio-visual Media of Instruction
開課單位 幼兒保育系(四進)三A Department  
修習別 選修 Required/Elective Elective
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 本課程主要介紹透過網際網路應用輔助,達到視聽教學之效果,因此著重於多媒體應用之網頁設計。課程內容包含網頁之建立、網站之架設,超文件標記語言之撰寫、連結功能之應用、多媒體製作與應用。 Objectives This course is used to introduce the Audio-visual Media of Instruction vis internet application. The homepage deisgn is the major concern. Also, the constructure of the web station should be attenuated. It includes to write a homepage by using a Hyper Text Markup Language, using Hyperlink application and applying with the multimedia.
教材 教師自製教材 Teaching Materials Teacher self-writing material.
成績評量方式 出席:10%,上課作業成績:30%,期中作品成績:30%;期末作品成績:30%。 Grading attendance:10%,
homework and class time work:30%, middle work:30%,
final work:30%
教師網頁 http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/jw!6hQJ4A6WFRmkIRQwW0vzDw--
教學內容 以幼兒園教師設計課程所需之視聽教學媒體,包含DVD、VCD、Audio CD,及在課程進行中所需之視覺化教學媒體及幼兒園數位化視覺海報設計等內容之引述介紹,並訓練學生實際設計相關媒體及內容。 Syllabus Kindergarten teachers design classes which should participate with video-audio teaching material. The materials include about DVD, VCD, Audio CD and the visual teaching material using in the class, and digital visual poster.
The class will introduce the students the basic design guide and train the students physically design relative contents and work.