朝陽科技大學 095學年度第1學期教學大綱
Practicum in Early Childhood Education and Care (I) 嬰幼兒教保實習(一)

當期課號 3660 Course Number 3660
授課教師 蘇傳臣 Instructor ,
中文課名 嬰幼兒教保實習(一) Course Name Practicum in Early Childhood Education and Care (I)
開課單位 幼兒保育系(二進)四A Department  
修習別 必修 Required/Elective Required
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 本課程透過實際的參觀、課堂上的討論及心得分享,幫助同學充實幼教知識,熟悉職場上所需之技能,體認專業職責與倫理、啟發專業志趣 Objectives The course helps students enrich their knowledge about early childhood education, sharpen their skills in early child care, and cultivate their professionalism and ethics as a professional in early childhood education, through visits to early childhood education and care programs, group discussion, and experience sharing.
教材 1. 參觀各類型的幼兒保育相關機構,以求對於幼兒學習及活動的環境及專業教保人員的工作內容有基礎的認識 2. 藉由討論的方式,分析與比較在各機構所觀察到的實際情況與其所學有何相似或相異之處 3.藉由對於各類型園所的瞭解,省思自身價值觀、未來的出路及應加強努力的方向 Teaching Materials  
成績評量方式 1.資料蒐集與分享報告 2.隨堂作業 3.討論參與 4.期末心得報告 Grading 1.Information survey and report 2.Homework 3.Discussion participation 4.Final report
教學內容 本課程旨在引導學生依學校的實習目的以個人的學習目標達成之相關資料收集。透過深入淺出的課程設計使學生能勝任各個托育機構的相關領域,同時也記錄存檔每個參觀機構。 Syllabus In this course, describe the portfolio product students are proposing, describe what them goal is for the project and how them class or school might benefit from the project. Indicate which competency area(s) students to cover with this course. Otherwise the student records in the practicum planning journal the lessons introduced each preschool /association.