朝陽科技大學 095學年度第1學期教學大綱
Career Planning for Child Care Workers 幼保人員生涯規劃

當期課號 3652 Course Number 3652
授課教師 林鴻璋 Instructor HONG,CHANG LIN
中文課名 幼保人員生涯規劃 Course Name Career Planning for Child Care Workers
開課單位 幼兒保育系(二進)三A Department  
修習別 選修 Required/Elective Elective
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 本課程協助幼兒教保人員瞭解幼教生涯規劃的實質意義,探討生涯中的人生主題,並提供自我探索的機會,使學生瞭解自己的特質及需求,進而建構一個現實與理想兼顧的人生目標,踏實地面對自己的幼教職涯生活並追求自己的夢想。 Objectives The course is intended to help child care workers understand the meaning of career planning, explore life issues encountered in career, and gain opportunities for self-exploration. Students will have a better understanding of their characteristics and needs, be able to set career goals which balance reality and ideal, and pursue their career goals and dreams as child care workers in a practical way.
教材 自編講義 Teaching Materials theacher's handouts
成績評量方式 1.上課參與/出席10% 2.平時作業(自傳及SWOT分析)20% 3.分組口頭報告(訪談成功者典範)30 % 4.個人書面報告(個人檔案) 40 % Grading 1.Class participation and attendance 10% 2. Assignments (Resume and SWOT analysis)20% 3. Presentation (Interview with success seniors) 30% 4. Survey & Personal synthesis report (Personal record) 40%
教學內容 1.瞭解生涯規劃基本概念 2.認識個人與生涯前程發展之關係 3.認識自我及SWOT分析4.學習建立良好人際關係 5.升學與就業,求職與考試6.幼保職場生活體認追求高品質的工作發展與遠景 7.成功者典範。 Syllabus 1. To understand the basic concept of career planning. 2. To learn the relationship between individual and career development. 3. To know oneself and SWOT analysis. 4. Having good interpersonal relationship. 5. Further study and getting employment; job seeking and examination. 6. To learn the skills of and the preparation of getting employment to be on the way to success. 7. Success seniors.