朝陽科技大學 095學年度第1學期教學大綱
Topics in Applied Business 商業實務專題

當期課號 3636 Course Number 3636
授課教師 麥哲恩 Instructor TURTON,MICHAEL ANDREW
中文課名 商業實務專題 Course Name Topics in Applied Business
開課單位 應用外語系(二進)五A Department  
修習別 選修 Required/Elective Elective
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 本講座課程是為更新學生國際商業知識。本科內容年年更新變換。學生可習得包含公司文化、技術、市場、製品、產銷等最新相關商業知識。對於商業實務更加瞭解。 Objectives This is a seminar designed to keep students up to date on current business topics. Courses will achieve contents to change annually; Students are able to learn knowledge that includes company culture, technology, markets, products, production, and marketing.
教材 教材:
Teaching Materials Texts from various sources
成績評量方式 成績評量:學期終的成績為每週的小考及期末考的總和加以平均後,再視學生的出席率及參與加以調整。出席率約佔分數的百分之十。 Grading Grades will be based on percentage scores on final exam and periodic quizzes. Attendance is mandatory and will be 10% of student grades.
教學內容 商業實務專題上課內容:
上課課程包含了各式跨文化市場及商業交易及交流,加上現代的許多商業題材。這學期我們會有六星期的跨文化市場分析單元, 及商業SWOT剖析。
Syllabus The course will consist of units on cross-cultural marketing and business interactions, and other contemporary business topics. This year we are doing five-six week units on

cross cultural marketing
psychology and business
SWOT analysis