朝陽科技大學 095學年度第1學期教學大綱
Advertising Business English 廣告商用英文

當期課號 3616 Course Number 3616
授課教師 王馬克 Instructor O'BRIEN,MARK WILLIAM
中文課名 廣告商用英文 Course Name Advertising Business English
開課單位 應用外語系(二進)三A Department  
修習別 選修 Required/Elective Elective
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 好的廣告不止要有引人注意的文案,更需要深入了解消費者購買的動機和需求。在這堂課中,我們將焦點集中在語言的運用和消費者心理學。 Objectives Effective advertising not only requires an attention-getting use of language, it requires an understanding of the wants and motivations of buyers. In this class, we will focus on the use of language in advertising and the psychology of consumers.
教材 指導並提供相關資訊。 Teaching Materials Materials to be provided by the instructor
成績評量方式 期中考占40%,期末考占40%,回家作業/課堂小考占10%,課堂參與占10%

Grading Midterm Exam 40%, Final Exam 40%, Homework/Quizzes 10%, Participation 10% (Note: in-class participation consists mainly of students asking/answering questions).
教師網頁 kzinflick@yahoo.com
教學內容 方式:教學內容包含閱讀教科書、文學的選讀、錄影帶的呈現、課堂的補充講義。考試包括了上述內容外,同時著重在廣告商業語文的使用。 Syllabus Approach: Classes will consist of reading in the course materials, lectures, and video excerpts. Supplemental handouts will also be used. Exams will consist of questions from all of the above. Focus of the class will be on key language used in advertising as well as basic techniques used in advertising and marketing.