朝陽科技大學 095學年度第1學期教學大綱
Communications Law & Regulation 傳播法規

當期課號 3591 Course Number 3591
授課教師 邊明道 Instructor BIAN,MIN DAU
中文課名 傳播法規 Course Name Communications Law & Regulation
開課單位 傳播藝術系(二進)五A Department  
修習別 必修 Required/Elective Required
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 1.能熟悉傳播內容及傳播活動相關的法律規範,與認識言論(新聞)自由的理論基礎和應用限制(知識)
2. 能運用必要的傳播法規於所從事的相關傳播工作中(技能)
3. 能瞭解傳播法規與新聞自由的精神與內涵,從事傳播工作免勿觸法網,並負起傳播人的社會責任(態度)
Objectives 1.Understand the dissemination of ideas in relation to legal norms; understand speech and press freedoms in theory and practice (knowledge) 2. Use existing laws and regulations to disseminate relevant work (skills) 3. Develop a positive, socially responsible approach to disseminating work (development) 4. Understand Taiwan's legal norms and policies (other)
教材 95年度傳播法規編彙
Teaching Materials  
成績評量方式 小考30%
Grading I will base your grade on either a final examination OR a paper (approximately 80% of your grade), one research and writing assignment (approximately 20% of your grade), and class participation (3 additional points, plus or minus). Students doing the paper for writing requirement must comply with all the requirements for such a paper including but not limited to presenting me with an outline, bibliography and first and final drafts.
教學內容 法律影片欣賞,法律個案分析,心得討論等。 Syllabus This course will focus on two specific areas of media law: 1) the limits of a free press and the balance between the right to publish and the right to privacy in a democratic society and 2) the limits of a free press and the right to a fair trial in a democratic society. While we will be discussing U.S. federal and Louisiana state law for the most part, we may also examine some recent foreign cases and international materials.