朝陽科技大學 095學年度第1學期教學大綱
History of Graphic Design 平面設計史

當期課號 3515 Course Number 3515
授課教師 曾培育 Instructor TSENG,PEI YU
中文課名 平面設計史 Course Name History of Graphic Design
開課單位 視覺傳達設計系(二進)四A Department  
修習別 必修 Required/Elective Required
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 1、從歷史觀點認知西方平面設計形式的脈絡演變
Objectives It is a seminar and theoretical program of design concept, to help students building a basic and common sense of design, whatever architecture, industrial design, or graphic design. In the class, we discuss about the design culture, thought, criticism, trend, and aesthetics. Through the historical views, they will figure out the relationships between design and society or politics. It will be helpful for students to develop their personal style adapting to the social market.
教材 Graphic Style - from Victorian to Post-Modern by Steven Heller and Seymour Chwast
A History of Graphic Design by Philip B. Meggs
Graphic Design - A Concise History by Richard Hollis
世界現代設計 王受之 著 藝術家出版社
世界現代平面設計 王受之 著 藝術家出版社
視覺傳達設計概論 陳俊宏、楊東民 著 全華出版社
視覺設計概論 高橋正人 著 藝風堂出版社
設計學術研究論文 曾培育(1998~2000)
視覺傳達-平面設計(上冊) Craig Denton 著 劉錫權.陳幸春 譯 六合出版社
Teaching Materials  
成績評量方式 期中考40%、期末考40%、課堂討論及學習態度20% Grading 40%- midterm test
40%- final test
20%- presentation and study attitude
教學內容 1, 認識設計在人類文化及社會中的定義及角色。
2, 思考設計和藝術創作的關係;視覺傳達設計和藝術創作的關係。
3, 了解視覺傳達設計的起源發展、原理模式和媒材界面。
Syllabus It is a seminar and theoretical program of design concept, to help students building a basic and common sense of design, whatever architecture, industrial design, or graphic design. In the class, we discuss about the design culture, thought, criticism, trend, and aesthetics.
Through the historical views, they will figure out the relationships between design and society or politics. It will be helpful for students to develop their personal style adapting to the social market.