朝陽科技大學 095學年度第1學期教學大綱
Graphic Techniques (1) 設計技法(一)

當期課號 3509 Course Number 3509
授課教師 陳崑鋒 Instructor KUN,FENG CHEN
中文課名 設計技法(一) Course Name Graphic Techniques (1)
開課單位 視覺傳達設計系(二進)三A Department  
修習別 選修 Required/Elective Elective
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 教學內容包括素描、速寫、拼貼與混合媒材等各種單元習作練習。課程注重了解各種媒材創作基本概念及基本技法,並依照個人內在特質,啟發個人創作構思,課程著重藝術之原創性及基本技巧,以及掌握媒材特色與概念的整合運用。 Objectives The course separates into several subject practice such as drawing, sketch, collage and mixed media. The main purpose of the class is to help students understanding the drawing basic concept and inspire their creativity in terms of individual characteristics. The class mainly emphasizes on basic skill and creativity, and also helps students realize their ideas through every kind of media.
教材 自編/self preparation Teaching Materials self preparation
成績評量方式 平時成績:40% 期中、期末各佔30%。 Grading Participation:40% Midterm、Final:30% each
教師網頁 http://kunfengchen.idv.tw
教學內容 教學內容包括素描、速寫、拼貼與混合媒材等各種單元習作練習。課程注重了解各種媒材創作基本概念及基本技法,並依照個人內在特質,啟發個人創作構思,課程著重藝術之原創性及基本技巧,以及掌握媒材特色與概念的整合運用。 Syllabus The course separates into several subject practice such as drawing, sketch, collage and mixed media. The main purpose of the class is to help students understanding the drawing basic concept and inspire their creativity in terms of individual characteristics. The class mainly emphasizes on basic skill and creativity, and also helps students realize their ideas through every kind of media.