朝陽科技大學 095學年度第1學期教學大綱
Design Redering Techniques(1) 設計表現技法(一)

當期課號 3454 Course Number 3454
授課教師 朱信泰 Instructor CHU,SHIN TAI
中文課名 設計表現技法(一) Course Name Design Redering Techniques(1)
開課單位 工業設計系(四進)二A Department  
修習別 必修 Required/Elective Required
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 1.介紹設計表現技法的形式及創作媒材元素 2.透過對物象的觀察和描繪、開發造型創作的資源,並將創意 以手繪呈現 3.探討表現技法在工業設計產品創造上的應用 4.了解產品造型的運用技法,並實驗其視覺風格 Objectives 1.Introduce the content and materials of the design rendering techniques. 2.To show the imagination with rendering by means of observation and sketch to create a source of form for design. 3.To explore the application of imagination with rendering in terms of industrial design. 4.To learn and apply the rendering techniques.
教材 自編教材
[1] Chuan-kai (Carl) liu, Ying-Hui (Annie) Chang,2004, Carl Liu Design Book, Long Sea International book co.,Ltd.

[2] 涂永祥,2004,《產品設計繪圖-鉛筆速寫》,台北,亞太出版。

[3] 1995,清水吉治著,《快速簡易的麥克筆技法》,台北,龍溪出版有限公司。
Teaching Materials  
成績評量方式 期中成績30%
Grading midterm for accomplishments 30%
final for accomplishments 40%
attendance and conduct 30%
教學內容 1.本課程在於訓練同學對設計表現技法之應用能力,並藉由藉由課堂練習使學生瞭解徒手手繪的技巧與觀念。

Syllabus 1.This course introduces the basice design rendering techniques in the field of Industrial design and emphasizes on the freehand skill of drawing in the first part of the course. The second part of the course will focus on how to present design ideas via proper drawing skill. Different drawing technique will be introduced.

2.This course introduces to the improve students the cognitive ability to the form, and really grasp the characteristic of the products, and technique of drawing through freehand skill demonstrate the concept and idea designed.