朝陽科技大學 095學年度第1學期教學大綱
Internet 網際網路

當期課號 3236 Course Number 3236
授課教師 陳佑全 Instructor ,
中文課名 網際網路 Course Name Internet
開課單位 保險金融管理系(四進)五A Department  
修習別 選修 Required/Elective Elective
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 1. 使學生了解網際網路的基本原理
2. 能具備應用網際網路來處理問題的能力
3. 能具備正確的使用網際網路的態度
4. 能瞭解網際網路未來可能的發展
Objectives 1. Enabling students to understand basic principle of the Internet.
2. Able to handle problems with the Internet.
3. Having correct attitudes on using the Internet.
4. Understanding potential future development of the Internet.
教材 電腦上機教學 Teaching Materials We will use on-line teaching.
成績評量方式 平時考成績30%,期中考佔30%、期末考佔40%。 Grading The midterm examination is 30% of total score. And final examination is 40% of total score. The 30% of score is ordinarily test.
教學內容 在現今資訊發達的時代,網路資訊科技已經是現代人必備的基本職能,它不僅可強化競爭優勢,更可大幅提升工作績效。
Syllabus In our current information society, using the network of information technology becomes a necessary skill for everyone. It enhances not only the competitive advantage but also the worker's job performances.
This course will teach students how to use the basic knowledge of internet and e-commerce. It uses practical examples to demonstrate those how internet knowledge and e-commerce can be utilized in all respects. In turns, students will understand the basic operating principles of internet, and e-commerce and their applications in all different fields.