朝陽科技大學 095學年度第1學期教學大綱
Topics in Practice for Insurance(I) 保險實務專題(一)

當期課號 3228 Course Number 3228
授課教師 謝國成 Instructor ,
中文課名 保險實務專題(一) Course Name Topics in Practice for Insurance(I)
開課單位 保險金融管理系(四進)四A Department  
修習別 必修 Required/Elective Required
學分數 3 Credits 3
課程目標 1. 從保險實務專題印証保險原理、原則之運作,並透過分組研討方式,加深對各項專題的研究、認識了解,並增加將來進入保險職場之工作能力
2. 使學生能熟悉並應用在其他學科上
3. 使學生具保險金融從業人員之專業態度
4. 可做為學生未來工作之基礎
Objectives 1. Insurance practice projects evidence insurance principles, and operation principles; group discussions deepen project study and understanding and increase the ability of working in insurance industry in the future.
2. Enabling students to be come familiar and apply in other subjects.
3. Enabling students to have professional attitudes in insurance and finance industry.
4. Serving as students’ foundation of future work.
教材 人身&財產保險經營(平安出版) Teaching Materials  
成績評量方式 期中:25%
Grading midterm exam:25%
final exam:50%
other :25%
教學內容 從保險實務專題(以保險經營之四大支柱企劃、展業、管理及財務為主軸)分析介紹、印証保險原理、原則之運作,並透過分組研討方式,加深對各項專題的研究、認識了解,並增加將來進入保險職場之工作能力。 Syllabus Introduction of practical topics of insurance.
Including product development,marketing,management and finance branches of operation of insurance companies,with discussing to understand the insurance theory, principles of operations, to improve the ablity of attending to insurance career.