朝陽科技大學 095學年度第1學期教學大綱
Creativity Developement and Practice 創意發想與實踐

當期課號 3160 Course Number 3160
授課教師 陳盈達 Instructor CHEN,YING TA
中文課名 創意發想與實踐 Course Name Creativity Developement and Practice
開課單位 企業管理系(四進)四A Department  
修習別 選修 Required/Elective Elective
學分數 3 Credits 3
課程目標 知識經濟的核心不在於你知道什麼,而是在於你能創造什麼別人不知道或沒想到的東西,本課程就是在培養同學由已知的專業知識,開發未知的事物。我們的上課方式除了一連串的創意活動與競賽、觀摩,來啟發同學創造力,並融合專家演講和企業參訪,提昇對創造力實踐之能力。 Objectives This course tries to recognize the creative dimensions of giftedness, to demonstrate the ability to identify and develop the creative potential of students and improve competence in applying creativity in the workplace. Finally, we hope foster the continued development of students’ creative potential through the use of creative methods, including brainstorming, visual imagery and creative problem solving
教材   Teaching Materials  
成績評量方式   Grading  
教學內容 知識經濟的時代,腦力的價值高於一切,如何發掘創意潛能,並且應用於企業管理的工作範疇,是本課程的教育宗旨。而根本目標則是激發同學們的創意熱情與潛力。
Syllabus This course tries to recognize the creative dimensions of giftedness, to demonstrate the ability to identify and develop the creative potential of students and improve competence in applying creativity in the workplace. Finally, we hope foster the continued development of students’ creative potential through the use of creative methods, including brainstorming, visual imagery and creative problem solving