朝陽科技大學 095學年度第1學期教學大綱
Organization Behavior 組織行為

當期課號 3152 Course Number 3152
授課教師 鮑敦瑗 Instructor PAO,TUN YUAN
中文課名 組織行為 Course Name Organization Behavior
開課單位 企業管理系(四進)二A Department  
修習別 選修 Required/Elective Elective
學分數 3 Credits 3
課程目標 1.了解企業組織中的個人與群體在工作中的態度與行為模式。 2.認知態度與行為背後的心理,包括領導、溝通、激勵及企業文化。 3.分析未來組織可能的變革與發展,了解如何調適、因應及規劃 Objectives 1.Teaching students to know about altitude and behavior in the organization. 2.Understanding the impact facts to organization behavior include eldership, communication, conflict, motivation and enterprise culture. 3.Analysis the organizational change in the future and how to adjust our plan and action to fit it.
教材 1.組織行為(第八版),Stephen P Robbins著,林財丁、林瑞發編譯,滄海書局
Teaching Materials 1.Essentials Organizational Behavior,Stephen P Robbins,林財丁、林瑞發編譯,滄海書局
2.Organizational Behavior and the Praction of Management,戴國良,午南書局
成績評量方式 1.期中考20% 2.期末考20% 3.課堂報告或作業25% 4.平日上課情形35% Grading 1.Midterm 20% 2.Final 20% 3.Class report 50%
教學內容 1.定義組織行為
Syllabus 1.Define Organizational Behavior
2.Identify the contributions made by major behavior science disciplines to OB
3.Understanding the major challenges and opportunities for managers to use OB concepts