朝陽科技大學 095學年度第1學期教學大綱
Microeconomic Analysis 個體經濟分析

當期課號 3120 Course Number 3120
授課教師 黃素芳 Instructor HUANG,SU FANG
中文課名 個體經濟分析 Course Name Microeconomic Analysis
開課單位 企業管理系(二進)三A Department  
修習別 選修 Required/Elective Elective
學分數 3 Credits 3
課程目標 個體經濟學雖然與過去的經濟學有所不同,但是我的教學目標仍然為:提供學生以中級個體經濟學、遊戲理論及廠商組織結構的學程,俾於他們將來從事詳實的決策。 Objectives While there have been many changes over the past decade, my goal remain the same: to provide students with the tools from intermediate microeconomics, game theory, and industrial organization that students need to make sound decisions.
教材 楊明憲著(民94),個體經濟分析101,台中:滄海書局 Teaching Materials  
成績評量方式 期中考試:30%
Grading Midterm:30%
Final exam.:40%
教學內容 先介紹需要、供給及彈性的概念,繼而介紹消費者理論包括效用、無異曲線的概念、消費者均衡及價格、所得與需要量之關係。另接著說明生產理論包括生產函數、成本函數的觀念及四種市場結構。 Syllabus We begin with examining the concepts of the demand, supply, and elasticity. The next step focuses on the consumer theory, which includes the concepts of utility, indifference curves, consumer equilibrium. How the demand for goods changes as prices and income change is examined. Production theory discusses the production function, cost function, and four types of the market structure.