朝陽科技大學 095學年度第1學期教學大綱
International Trade Practices 國際貿易實務

當期課號 3119 Course Number 3119
授課教師 吳茂德 Instructor WU,MAO TE
中文課名 國際貿易實務 Course Name International Trade Practices
開課單位 企業管理系(二進)三A Department  
修習別 選修 Required/Elective Elective
學分數 3 Credits 3
課程目標 今天,企業和國家都比先前任何時候更依賴國際貿易帶來經濟成長.全球化,電子商務及貿易協定的改變會產生不利於企業的影響或是建立新的機會.本課程旨在培養學生對國際貿易實務知識與技術等能力的充實與提升.主要內容:1.國際貿易實務基礎 2.輸出輸入實務 3.國際貿易的付款方式 4.輸出輸入的相關問題 Objectives Today, more than any time in history, both countries and business firms rely on international trade for economic growth. Globalization, E-commerce and trade agreement can adversely affect a firm"s business or can create new opportunities. The objective of this course is to help students to build a foundation of basic knowledge and skills about international trade practices. Topics include the foundation of trade practices, export and import practice, payments of international trade and related problems of export and import.
教材 蔡 緣,「國際貿易實務與書類」,華泰文化事業股份有限公司 Teaching Materials  
成績評量方式 出席率占10%,作業及小考占20%,期中考占30%,期末考占40% Grading Quiz, assignment and attendance: 30%
Midterm Examination: 30%
Finalterm Examination: 40%
教師網頁 http://www.ocit.edu.tw/~wmd
教學內容 國際貿易流程、國貿條規、出進口價格的計算、貿易契約書的簽訂、信用狀概念與實務、進出口簽證、出進口報關、貨物運輸與保險、貿易單證、進出口結匯 Syllabus The Procedure of I.T., INCOTERMS 2000, Calculation of Import and Export Pricing, Signing I.T. Contract, Letter of Credit, Applying Import and Export License, Export and Import Customs Clearance, Transportation and Transportation Insurance, I.T. Documents, Settlement of exchange in import and export.