朝陽科技大學 095學年度第1學期教學大綱
Financial Law & Regulations 金融法規

當期課號 3054 Course Number 3054
授課教師 塗勝傑 Instructor SHEN,CHIE TU
中文課名 金融法規 Course Name Financial Law & Regulations
開課單位 財務金融系(四進)三A Department  
修習別 選修 Required/Elective Elective
學分數 3 Credits 3
課程目標 本課程內容著重在金融制度之講解,且以銀行金融為主。就證券金融,因其已形成一完整領域,將獨立在公司與證券法規中講授,於此不列入授課內容。 Objectives Financial Law is related to legal issues of financial trades and discussions of financial systems. The former stresses on regulations of the Civil Law and the Commercial Laws. In this course, as far as financial trades’ legal issues are concerned, only important contents, such as substantial rules of the Law of Bills and Notes, are to be expounded. Nonetheless, this course focuses on the descriptions of financial systems, primarily the banking finance; thus, regulations of the Banking Law will be the major resources of this course.
教材 一、 公司法(潘秀菊著)
二、 證券交易法逐條釋義(賴英照著)
三、 證券管理法規(賴源河著)
Teaching Materials  
成績評量方式 學期總成績包括課堂參與 (30%)、平時作業(20%)、期中考 (25%)、期末考(25%) Grading class attendence, participation (30%), assignment(30%),Midterm (25%), final exam (25%)
教學內容 1.公司法最新修正內容及對金融市場之影響
Syllabus 1.Company Law
2.Securities and Exchange Law
3.introduce important Financial Laws