朝陽科技大學 095學年度第1學期教學大綱
Sight Interpretation 視譯

當期課號 2059 Course Number 2059
授課教師 徐碧霙 Instructor HSU,PI YING
中文課名 視譯 Course Name Sight Interpretation
開課單位 應用外語系(四日)四A Department  
修習別 選修 Required/Elective Elective
學分數 3 Credits 3
課程目標 學生修完此門課程,可提昇學生中英語文之瞭解能力,並在極短時間內清楚簡潔地將文稿以口語方式譯出,重視流暢度、自然口語、眼神傳達等表達方式。藉直接演練、互相觀摩,訓練學生語言靈活度,以純熟的目標做流利、貼切的口語表達。 Objectives This course is aimed at systematically introducing to students the basic principles of sight interpretation, the challenges, problems and satisfaction involved in rendering written texts and oral statements from one language into another without losing the basic ideas, intent and stylistic level, and linguistic register.
教材 Time
CNN Interactive Magazine
The China Post
Supplementary Materials
Teaching Materials Time
CNN Interactive Magazine
The China Post
Supplementary Materials
成績評量方式 上課參與Class Participation:10%
小考Weekly Quizzes: 30%
小組報告Group Presentation:20%
期中考Midterm Exam: 20%
期末考Final Exam: 20%
Grading Class Participation:10%
Weekly Quizzes: 30%
Group Presentation:20%
Midterm Exam: 20%
Final Exam: 20%
教學內容 本課程旨在提昇學生中英語文之瞭解能力,並在極短時間內清楚簡潔地將文稿以口語方式譯出,重視流暢度、自然口語、眼神傳達等表達方式。藉直接演練、互相觀摩,訓練學生語言靈活度、以純熟的目標語做流利﹑貼切的口語表達。
This course is aimed at systematically introducing to students the basic principles of sight interpretation, the challenges, problems and satisfaction involved in rendering written texts and oral statements from one language into another without losing the basic ideas, intent and stylistic level, and linguistic register. The topics include illustrations and discussion of a variety of short modern texts in the fields of political/social science, economics, legal studies, literature, and journalism.
Syllabus This course is aimed at systematically introducing to students the basic principles of sight interpretation, the challenges, problems and satisfaction involved in rendering written texts and oral statements from one language into another without losing the basic ideas, intent and stylistic level, and linguistic register. The topics include illustrations and discussion of a variety of short modern texts in the fields of political/social science, economics, legal studies, literature, and journalism.