朝陽科技大學 095學年度第1學期教學大綱
Film and Television Translation 影視媒體翻譯

當期課號 2049 Course Number 2049
授課教師 陳柏助 Instructor  
中文課名 影視媒體翻譯 Course Name Film and Television Translation
開課單位 應用外語系(四日)三A Department  
修習別 選修 Required/Elective Elective
學分數 3 Credits 3
課程目標 本課程訓練學生語言能力及理解力,進而使其了解全球英語媒體文化之教材,課程中將提供傳播如何影響文化及媒體文化之緣由和意義。此外,學生將習得比較全球英語媒體及台灣當地媒體差異性之能力。 Objectives The course provides students linguistic and intellectual means to decipher and interpret the enormously influential English global media culture. Students will be exposed to culturally influential broadcasts, learn of their origins and meaning, and be asked to compare English media to local media.
教材 新編譯藝譚
黃邦傑 著
ISBN 957-445-142-9
Teaching Materials On the Art of Translation
ISBN 957-445-142-9
成績評量方式 小組討論與作業:30%
Grading Class discussion & participation:30%
Group work report:30%
Midterm exam:20%
Final exam:20%
教學內容 課程將以各類電視、電影節目為翻譯對象,將其內容忠實的轉譯為流利的中文。學生除了必須了解翻譯文本的特性之外,也必須將語意順暢的表達給一般使用中文的人可以容易理解的語言。課程中將引介基礎的翻譯理論,透過翻譯方法的練習語討論來翻譯各類影視作品。學生須對影視媒體的特性有所了解,並掌握其翻譯的要點語策略。透過課堂影視翻譯實例探討與練習,來對同一段英文對白的兩種中文翻譯,比較翻譯的優劣。 Syllabus This course teaches the students to translate the English source language in the media such as films and TV programs. Translation methods and theories will be introduced into the practice and discussion during the class sessions. The students will develop a better understanding toward the language used in the media and furthermore translate the source language properly into the target language of Chinese. In the class sessions, the students will not only learn the translation skills but also understand the cultural differences that cause translation mistakes.