朝陽科技大學 095學年度第1學期教學大綱
Building Appreciation 建築欣賞

當期課號 1714 Course Number 1714
授課教師 董皇志 Instructor TUNG,HUANG CHIH
中文課名 建築欣賞 Course Name Building Appreciation
開課單位 建築系(四日)一A Department  
修習別 選修 Required/Elective Elective
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 本課程所談及的是建築師的心智對世界開拓出新的感動與思維、或者當地區涵構(Context) 所蘊育的人文與科技的成就----建築與建築師。究竟是人類心靈改寫時代精神,或者時代所彙萃出人類在地平線之上的表徵,這兩者交織出文化的時代精神及藝術的風格形式,並互為因果。課程目的乃是釐清時代精神、藝術風格、環境與其建構、其間建築與文化理論之脈絡發展,選擇的建築作品與建築師是從歷史軸與生活軸兩相互垂直面向來說明「建築」----人類的時空觀:  一、依歷史軸(垂直面向)來看待現代主義、後現代還是晚現代主義建築之表徵,或者臺灣之"脫現代"發展乎!然而臺灣的問題不僅是外來文化的推波助瀾,還有文化正當性掙扎於"傳統與創新"當中。   二、依生活軸(水平面向)來閱讀各地區之建築作品與思想,儘管是 "世界村的穿透" 相對於"地域主義的草根韌性"的衝突,仍可循「感性美學、理性思維、知性涵養」之三位一體,覓尋科技與人文之間的平衡點。 Objectives The architecture can be regarded as display window of times that was built on the base of current economics, science, technology, culture, and living-style. In short, the architecture is just like a sculpture existing widely in the world. This course will introduce five main topics in order as follows: 1.Observation and experience of architecture, 2.The space & time of architecture, 3.The aesthetic feeling of life, and 4.New-age architectures and architects. The goal of this course will be focused on the spirit of architecture which can surpass not only meterials and techniques of general architecture, but also the art and humanity involved in it.
教材 1.自編講義
8.《如何看建築》Bruno Zevi ed,(張似贊譯),2001,田園城市出版
9.《如何看》Geroge Nelson ed,(王鈺譯),1984,尚林出版社
Teaching Materials  
成績評量方式 .出席與平時表現20%
Grading .attendance & ordinarily representation 20%
.middle program report(three times) 50%
.the ending examination 30%
教師網頁 http://www.cyut.edu.tw/~hctung
教學內容 1.建築立基於科技、歷史、與人文的融合體,有其實質物質基礎之建構實現,亦有超越物質的思想與心靈層面需要探索,本課程得以認識建築多面向、釐清時代精神、與豐富自我心靈。
Syllabus The architecture can be regarded as display window of times that was built on the base of current economics, science, technology, culture, and living-style. In short, the architecture is just like a sculpture existing widely in the world.