朝陽科技大學 095學年度第1學期教學大綱
Industrial Economics 產業經濟學

當期課號 1086 Course Number 1086
授課教師 劉定焜 Instructor LIU,TING KUN
中文課名 產業經濟學 Course Name Industrial Economics
開課單位 財務金融系(四日)四A Department  
修習別 選修 Required/Elective Elective
學分數 3 Credits 3
課程目標 首先介紹生產者行為、生產函數、成本函數的概念。接著介紹各種市場包括完全競爭市場、獨占市場、壟斷性競爭市場及寡佔市場結構。接著是要素市場包括完全競爭市場下要素市場。最後介紹市場失靈及經濟效率。 Objectives We begin with examining the concepts of the production function and cost function. The next step focuses on the market structure, which includes the concepts of competitive market, monopolistic competition, monopoly and oligopoly. Finally, markets for factor inputs, market failure and economic efficiency are introduced.
教材 陳正倉,林惠玲,陳忠榮,莊春發著「產業經濟學」,2004年一版2刷,雙葉。

F. M. Scherer and David Ross: Industrial Market Structure and Economic Performance, 3rd ed., 1990, Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston.

Jean Tirole: The Theory of Industrial Organization, most recent edition, The MIT Press.
Teaching Materials References
F. M. Scherer and David Ross: Industrial Market Structure and Economic Performance, 3rd ed., 1990, Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston.
成績評量方式 學期總成績:
Grading Midterm(30%)
Final exam.(30%)
教學內容 本課程系統性的探討經濟學中的一個領域-產業組織。產業組織並不探討如何去經營或組織一個企業,而是探討如何透過市場組織機能,使生產活動能滿足社會對產品與勞務的需求。以及市場組織的差異與不完全性,如何影響生產者滿足社會需要之程度。此外,本課程除以講授為主外,更強調課堂上與學生的討論與互動,並且以作業方式訓練學生的研究能力。透過本課程強化學生對產業經濟學概念、培養學生分析產業經濟現象的能力。進一步啟發學生對產業經濟現象的觀察敏銳度與興趣,並且能融入生活課題中。 Syllabus This course systematically explores the field of economics traditionally known as industrial organization. This course concerns with how productive activities are bought into harmony with the demand for goods and services through some organizing mechanism such as a free market. And how variations and imperfections in the organizing mechanism affect the success achieved in satisfying an economy’s wants. Students are expected to have a good outlook for the industrial organization and the application of the industrial organization. This course gives students housework to train their study ability. Through the course I hope they can strengthen their concept about industrial organization and analysis, and they can develop their ability of analyzing industrial organization phenomenon. Further, I try to enlighten them to be interested in observe economic phenomenon, and use industrial organization in their daily life.