朝陽科技大學 094學年度第2學期教學大綱
Management 管理學概論

當期課號 9101 Course Number 9101
授課教師 葛維鈞 Instructor KO,WEI CHUN
中文課名 管理學概論 Course Name Management
開課單位 跨院通識(進) Department  
修習別 選擇必修 Required/Elective Intercollegiate General Education Topics
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 本課程目的在於探討管理理論,厚植管理各領域之基本認識,以促進未來同學在工作與生活中能應用管理學的核心理念以提升工作與生活之品質‧並藉由多元化的學習型態與活動,例如訪談、案例研討、角色扮演、競賽、課堂報告等豐富學習深度與理論應用能力‧課程內容主要包括:管理理論介紹、管理案例分析、管理核心效能介紹與練習‧ Objectives The purpose of this course is to acknowledge students with the context management theories and practical implementation history through the lectures, case study, discussion, role playing and business games that can help them better understand current management theory and practice. Thus, in order to understand the theories and practices used today, it's important for management students to look at the evolution of management thought and practices. The practice of management has always reflected historical times and societal conditions. For instance, innovation, global competition, and general competitive pressures reflect today's reality: innovate or lose. The following subjects will be included: Management yesterday and today, Planning, Organizing, Leading, Controlling.
教材 教課書:林孟彥譯,管理學,7e,華泰,2002。參考書:1. R. W. Griffin, Management, Boston, MA:Houghton Mifflin, 2002, 華泰代理。2. 林財丁譯,管理學-技巧與應用,9e,滄海。 Teaching Materials  
成績評量方式 參與10%,期中考35%,期末考55% Grading Participation 10%, Midterm 35%, Final Exam 55%
教學內容 管理與管理者、管理的演進、今日世界中的管理、規劃的基礎、決策制定的基礎、基本的組織設計、用人與人力資源管理、變革與創新管理、個人與群體行為的基礎、暸解工作團隊、激勵與獎酬員工、領導與監督、溝通與人際技能、控制的基礎、技術與作業 Syllabus Managers and Management, Managing in Today's World, Foundations of Planning, Foundations of Decision Making, Basic Organization Design, Staffing and HRM, Managing Change and Innovation, Foundations of Individual and Group Behavior, Understanding Work Teams, Motivating and Rewarding Employees, Leadership and trust, Communication and Interpersonal Skills, Foundations of Control, Technology and Operations