朝陽科技大學 094學年度第2學期教學大綱
Western Cultural History 歐美文化史

當期課號 9067 Course Number 9067
授課教師 劉宗智 Instructor TZONG,CHIH LIU
中文課名 歐美文化史 Course Name Western Cultural History
開課單位 實用歷史類(進) Department  
修習別 選擇必修 Required/Elective Topics in History
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 透過歐美歷史演進過程中文化發展的部分,做一敘述和評析,使同學對歐美文化的變遷經過及其特質,能夠獲得一個較前深入且清晰的觀念。 Objectives Introduce the Character of History, how to learn history, and what’s History? Overall discussion of Historical Science. The definition, research and explanation of history; Historians and practical society.
教材 Arnold J. Toynbee,陳曉林譯,《歷史研究(A Study of History)》,台北:遠流出版社,1987年出版。
艾瑞克.霍布斯邦(Eric J. Hobsbawm) ,賈士蘅譯,《帝國的年代 : 1875-1914》臺北市:麥田出版,城邦文化發行,1997年。
艾瑞克.霍布斯邦(Eric J. Hobsbawm),鄭明萱譯,《極端的年代 : 1914-1991》,臺北市:麥田出版社,民國85年亞倫.布洛克(Alan Bullock),董樂山譯,《西方的人文主義傳統》,究竟出版社,2000年 10月 24日。
Teaching Materials  
成績評量方式 平常成績 30﹪ 期中考 30﹪ 期末考 40﹪ Grading Students join the discussion in class and the attendance 30%
Midterm exam: 30%
Final exam: 40%
教學內容 1課程大要和成績評量說明
2何謂歷史?歷史學是什麼?何謂是歐洲史、西洋史、世界史、全球史;文明史、文化史、Civilization→Civilizations、Cultural History→New Cultural History、Popular Cultural History。
6 1500年前的美洲文化-美洲起源與文化、中美洲興起的文明、古代馬雅文明、
7近代的過渡- 1300-1600年的文藝復興、宗教改革及近代政治的興起1517-1864、全球的碰觸
9西方主導經濟及中產階級的興起, 1815-1914- 歐洲中產階級極及其影響、工業化、新科學
10從兩極意識型態到全球競爭- 兩極化的開始, 1945-1953、近代的全球經濟、後現代主義
Syllabus 1. Introduce the schedule and goal, essential knowledge, basic idea and learning method.
2. Introduce the Character of History, how to learn history, and what’s History? Overall discussion of Historical Science. The definition, research and explanation of history; Historians and practical society.
3. Introduction research documents of Western Civilization.
4. The Ancient World- Civilization of Near East, Greek Achievement, Roman civilization.
5. Medieval World- Feudalism and Manorialism, Medieval Church, The Plague.
6. The Americas to 1500- Origins of Americans and their culture, Emerging Civilizations in Mesoamerica, Classical Mayan Civilization.
7. The Transition to Modern Times- The Renaissance, 1300-1600, The Christian Reformation and the Emergence of Modern Political System, 1517-1864, Global Encounters.
8. The Scientific Revolution and the Enlightenment- Origins of the Scientific Revolution, Social Pattern and Popular Culture, Humanitarian Movement.
9. Western Economic Domination and the Rise of Middle Class, 1815-1914- The European Middle Classes and Their Influences, Industrialization, The “New Science”.
10. From Bipolar Ideology to Global Competition- The Begins of Bipolarity, 1945-1953, The Modern Global Economy, Post Modernism.