朝陽科技大學 094學年度第2學期教學大綱
Children's Art 幼兒藝術

當期課號 8008 Course Number 8008
授課教師 陳薏如 Instructor CHEN,I JU
中文課名 幼兒藝術 Course Name Children's Art
開課單位 師資培育中心(幼教學程)一B Department  
修習別 選修 Required/Elective Elective
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 本課程內容著重於探討藝術活動對幼兒認知發展的影響,並透過藝術心理學及幼兒階段表現之發展分析,使學生建立更宏觀的藝術價值觀。 Objectives This course researches the influence of children’s art activity on their development of perception. Through analyzing the psychology of art and the development of preschool children’s various expressions according to their levels, help students to understand the related issues of children's art.
教材 《幼兒繪畫心理分析與輔導-家庭動力繪畫的探討》、《藝術治療家庭動力繪畫概論》、《幼兒繪畫心理分析與輔導》吳淑玲(民90):繪本與幼兒心理輔導。台北:五南。 Teaching Materials  
成績評量方式 1.音樂藝術欣賞30%
Grading 1. Music Arts 30%
2. Mid-term report-design a art corner 30%
3. Finalreport-children arts expression and evaluation 40%
教學內容 本課程是藉由幼兒繪畫中來分析孩子的個性、行為和藝術價值在影響生活的品質上。在分析與探索孩子畫中所反映出的心靈情緒衝突與協助孩子在心靈輔導上的需求和成長。 Syllabus The course examines the projective window that expressive art affords into personality and behavior, and the value of art in enhancing quality of life. The use of art as therapy implies the creative process can be a means both of reconciling emotional conflicts and of fostering self-awareness and personal growth.