朝陽科技大學 094學年度第2學期教學大綱
Advanced English Writing: Thesis Writing (II) 高級英文作文:論文寫作(二)

當期課號 7171 Course Number 7171
授課教師 林進瑛 Instructor LIN,CHIN YING
中文課名 高級英文作文:論文寫作(二) Course Name Advanced English Writing: Thesis Writing (II)
開課單位 應用外語系碩士班二A Department  
修習別 必修 Required/Elective Required
學分數 0 Credits 0
課程目標 本課程強調批判性思考和一致性寫作技巧的密集訓練。修習本課程學生將能創作出條理清晰並強而有力之散文,構思出說服讀者的論文,並有效地引導學生修辭上的技巧,同時觀察學術寫作的慣例,以增進其寫作能力。? Objectives This course focuses on intensive practice in the skills of critical thinking and coherent writing. Students improve their ability to write clear, forceful prose, to formulate and support a compelling thesis, to employ rhetorical strategies effectively, and, when appropriate, to observe the conventions of academic writing. Students should come away from the course with a better understanding of their writing and critical reading skills that have been sharpened throughout the semester, as well as a better understanding of the technological environment in which the class has been taught over the semester. Most importantly, however, all students will have an awareness of the impact this environment has on their writing and should understand how to best employ and counteract the effects of this environment in their writing in their future careers and beyond.
教材 1). Textbook.
2). Extra handouts.
Teaching Materials  
成績評量方式 attendance: 10%, particiaption: 10%, four in-class writings: 20%, group presentation: 20%, mid-term project: 20%, final project: 20%. Grading attendance: 10%, particiaption: 10%, four in-class writings: 20%, group presentation: 20%, mid-term project: 20%, final project: 20%.
教學內容 本課程強調批判性思考和一致性寫作技巧的密集訓練。修習本課程學生將能創作出條理清晰並強而有力之散文,構思出說服讀者的論文,並有效地引導學生修辭上的技巧,同時觀察學術寫作的慣例,以增進其寫作能力。 Syllabus This course focuses on intensive practice in the skills of critical thinking and coherent writing. Students improve their ability to write clear, forceful prose, to formulate and support a compelling thesis, to employ rhetorical strategies effectively, and, when appropriate, to observe the conventions of academic writing. Students should come away from the course with a better understanding of their writing and critical reading skills that have been sharpened throughout the semester, as well as a better understanding of the technological environment in which the class has been taught over the semester. Most importantly, however, all students will have an awareness of the impact this environment has on their writing and should understand how to best employ and counteract the effects of this environment in their writing in their future careers and beyond.