朝陽科技大學 094學年度第2學期教學大綱
Urban Design(II) 都市設計(二)

當期課號 7144 Course Number 7144
授課教師 沈永堂 Instructor SHEN,YUNG TANG
中文課名 都市設計(二) Course Name Urban Design(II)
開課單位 建築及都市設計研究所碩士班一A Department  
修習別 必修 Required/Elective Required
學分數 5 Credits 5
課程目標 1.培養學生成為具有個別特質的都市設計師。
Objectives 1.To develop an individual attitude to the identity of the urban designer.
2.To develop awareness of the needs and desires of the community for which you the urban designer are able to offer skilled help.
3.To develop awareness of the value, quality, and potential of an urban fabric, its patterns of change, and the socio-political-economic forces that cause change.
教材   Teaching Materials  
成績評量方式 1.平時20%
Grading 1.Participation 20%
2.Final Jury for the project 80%.
教學內容 都市設計實習是都市設計學程必修之核心課程,教學的目的在於培養及加強學生掌握大尺度的都市發展或更新計劃案的分析、規劃及設計等能力。計畫案將採二階段進行,第一階段為基礎資料調查及分析(全體學生),第二階段規劃及設計(分組)。學生除了學習都市設計相關的基本技能外,同時,透過實際大尺度計畫案的操作,訂定都市設計之主要計畫與建築物、公共設施與街景之設計規範,供相關決策者參考。習作對象將以台中縣市境內的相關基地為主。 Syllabus The urban design studio is the core component of the the MUD curriculum. The aim is to further develop and enhance the students' analytical and design ability for handling real-life large scale development, renewal or re-development projects. Students learn about basic urban skills working in team and individuals. In addition,work progresses to large scale,real-life development projects involving in-depth investigation and the devlopment of three-dimensional built form designed up to professional standards. The exercise urban design studio will be a group project studying selected urban areas in Taichung city or country.