朝陽科技大學 094學年度第2學期教學大綱
Numerical Methods 數值方法

當期課號 3517 Course Number 3517
授課教師 劉啟東 Instructor LIU,CHII TUNG
中文課名 數值方法 Course Name Numerical Methods
開課單位 資訊工程系(四進)一A Department  
修習別 選修 Required/Elective Elective
學分數 3 Credits 3
課程目標 這門課的目標是提供學生數值方法的知識,主題包括:數值方法簡介、數值解與可析解的差異、數值方法的誤差與精確度、各種問題求解的數值方法。在完成這門課之後,學生將可以學習到下面幾點:1.瞭解數值解與可析解;2.瞭解Roots of Equations的數值方法;3.瞭解Linear Algebra Equations 的數值方法;4.瞭解Curve Fitting數值方法。 Objectives The goal of this course is to provide students with a basic knowledge of the Numerical Methods. The main topics include Numerical Methods introduction, Numerical and Analytical solutions, Error and accuracy of Numerical methods, and Various important NUmerical methods. Students will realize the following backgrounds of this course after completing the course: 1. The difference of Numerical and Analytical solutions; 2. The numerical methods for Roots of Equations; 3. The numerical methods for Linear Algebra Equations ; 4. The numerical methods for Curve Fitting.
教材   Teaching Materials  
成績評量方式 期中考、期末考及作業 Grading midterm examine and final examine.
教學內容 介紹各種數學上以計算求解的方法。適合對數學解題的數值運算方法有興趣的學生。最好是修過微積分、線性代數與工程數學。 Syllabus Introduce several methods to calculate the solutions of polynomial, equations, etc.