朝陽科技大學 094學年度第2學期教學大綱
Crisis Intervention 危機調適

當期課號 3472 Course Number 3472
授課教師 林明寬 Instructor LIN,MING KUAN
中文課名 危機調適 Course Name Crisis Intervention
開課單位 社會工作系(四進)三A Department  
修習別 選修 Required/Elective Elective
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 從出生到死亡,每個人的生活,因生物體本身的脆弱性,以及社會環境、自然環境的不確定性,我們持續的面臨不同的問題與挑戰,特別是當事件是突然發生且具有創傷性,可能形成生活危機。從字面上拆解,「危機」隱含某種契機,有人說,危機也可能是轉機,有調查研究證明,在因應重大生活危機之後,人對其生活更有適應力。本課程將探討各種不同的危機情境,危機反應之適應失調症狀,以及探討因應處遇之道。 Objectives From birth to death, due to the volunerability of human being and the uncertainty of our environment, we have to continually deal with many problems and life challenges. Particularly, when the damage happens suddenly which causes serious life crisis. Some studies indicate the experiences of successfully coping with crisis are helpfulto adjust our later life. This course will learn different crisis situations, crisis reaction, and crisis coping skills.
教材   Teaching Materials  
成績評量方式 一、課堂提問並積極參與討論(10%)。
四、期末考試 (30%)
Grading 1. participation 10%
2. Group Report 30%
3. Mid term paper (Naratively describing one of your classmates crisis coping experience) 30%
4. Final exam 30%
教學內容 從出生到死亡,每個人的生活,因生物體本身的脆弱性,以及社會環境、自然環境的不確定性,我們持續的面臨不同的問題與挑戰,特別是當事件是突然發生且具有創傷性,可能形成生活危機。從字面上拆解,「危機」隱含某種契機,有人說,危機也可能是轉機,有調查研究證明,在因應重大生活危機之後,人對其生活更有適應力。
Syllabus From birth to death, due to the volunerability of human being and the uncertainty of our environment, we have to continually deal with many problems and life challenges. Particularly, when the damage happens suddenly which causes serious life crisis. Some studies indicate the experiences of successfully coping with crisis are helpfulto adjust our later life.
This course will learn different crisis situations, crisis reaction, and crisis coping skills.