朝陽科技大學 094學年度第2學期教學大綱
Children's Songs: Instructional Methods 幼兒唱遊教學

當期課號 3434 Course Number 3434
授課教師 施孟琪 Instructor SHIH,MENG CHI
中文課名 幼兒唱遊教學 Course Name Children's Songs: Instructional Methods
開課單位 幼兒保育系(四進)四A Department  
修習別 選修 Required/Elective Elective
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 本課程使用各類型的兒歌搭配不同的遊戲、教材,讓唱遊不再只是傳統的帶動唱教學。透過歌唱遊戲的方式與引導,本土與外國的童謠賞析,讓學生享受學習節奏、旋律的樂趣,進而嘗試歌曲創作與遊戲設計。學生將學習的各種遊戲方法應用於課程設計,並著重於實習與討論。 Objectives The course integrates a variety of children’s songs with games and instructional materials. Singing is no more traditional recitation. Through games, singing, and listening to native and foreign children’s songs, students will enjoy the fun of learning rhythms and melody, and attempt to create songs and design games. Students will apply ways of playing games into curriculum design. Classroom participation and discussions are emphasized.
教材 講義
Teaching Materials  
成績評量方式 (1)課堂出席率與參與學習態度.......................20%
Grading Class participation.
Midterm Exam.
Final Exam.
Lesson plan.
教學內容 本課程使用各類型的兒歌搭配不同的遊戲、教材,讓唱遊不再只是傳統的帶動唱教學。透過歌唱遊戲的方式與引導,本土與外國的童謠賞析,讓學生享受學習節奏、旋律的樂趣,進而嘗試歌曲創作與遊戲設計。學生將學習的各種遊戲方法應用於課程設計,並著重於實習與討論。 Syllabus Study of singing game and folk song sources, repertoire, styles; and analysis; developing classification and retrieval systems for classroom use. Comprehensive study of musical elements, structures, forms, genres, and exemplary literature as related to basic principles of child development. Principles of vocal and games as limited by developmental stages of children. By the conclusion of this course, students will have a grasp in which concepts to teach in kindergarten, along with ideas on how to present and reinforce the concepts through singing, playing.