朝陽科技大學 094學年度第2學期教學大綱
Play Education 嬰幼兒遊戲

當期課號 3409 Course Number 3409
授課教師 林楚欣 Instructor LIN,CHU SHIN
中文課名 嬰幼兒遊戲 Course Name Play Education
開課單位 幼兒保育系(四進)二B Department  
修習別 必修 Required/Elective Required
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 本課程將探討幼兒遊戲的理論與其在幼兒教育的應用,課程內容包含遊戲之基本理論、幼兒遊戲與幼兒發展的關係、幼兒遊戲的發展歷程、遊戲的環境規劃、成人在幼兒遊戲中之角色、遊戲材料、遊戲與幼兒教育的關係等。在修習完本課程之後,學習者應能熟悉幼兒遊戲的基本理論,並能瞭解與觀察幼兒遊戲型態與其發展的關係,以扮演適當之專業角色。 Objectives The course presents theories about play for young children, and its application in early childhood education. The curriculum content includes theories about children’s play, the relations between play and child development, developmental processes of young children’s play, arrangement of play environment, adults' role in children's play, play materials, play in early childhood education, etc. After completion of the course, students are expected to know fundamental theories of play and have a better understanding of the relations between play and development. These knowledge and skills will help them establishing professionalism in child care related industries.
教材 Johnson, J etc.(郭靜晃譯),兒童遊戲,台北:揚智 Teaching Materials  
成績評量方式 出席與參與 20% ;期刊文章心得 10% ;期中考 30%
玩具反斗城遊記 1篇 10% ; 期末報告(書面與口頭各半) 30%
Grading participation 20%; article critique 10%; midterm 30%; play materials critique 10%; final project 30%.
教學內容 透過閱讀、討論、介紹、觀摩、研究等方式,認識幼兒遊戲的基本理論,並進一步學習引導幼兒遊戲的技能,與結合課程與遊戲的方法。 Syllabus To learn the theories about children's play through reading, discussion, lecture, and research. Students will learn some skills on guiding children's play and ways to integrate play within curriculum.