朝陽科技大學 094學年度第2學期教學大綱
Computer Animation for Young Children 幼兒電腦動畫進階

當期課號 3387 Course Number 3387
授課教師 余曉曄 Instructor  
中文課名 幼兒電腦動畫進階 Course Name Computer Animation for Young Children
開課單位 幼兒保育系(二進)四A Department  
修習別 選修 Required/Elective Elective
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 介紹以光碟為基本媒體所能承載的資訊內容:
Objectives Introducing the informaion content based on the CD-ROM(DVD-ROM):
1.Music CD-ROM's content and how to make it and the file producing method.
2.VCD CD-ROM's content and how to make it and the file producing method.
3.Hybrid CD-ROM's content and how to make it and the file producing method.
4.DVD-ROM's content and how to make it and the file producing method.
教材 教師自製教材 Teaching Materials Teacher self-writing material.
成績評量方式 出席:10%,上課作業成績:30%,期中作品成績:30%;期末作品成績:30%。 Grading attendance:10%,
homework and class time work:30%, middle work:30%,
final work:30%
教師網頁 http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/jw!6hQJ4A6WFRmkIRQwW0vzDw--
教學內容 介紹以光碟為基本媒體所能承載的資訊內容:包括(1)音樂光碟的內容與製作過程及檔案編修方式。(2)VCD光碟的內容與製作過程及檔案編修方式。(3)混合型光碟的內容與製作過程及檔案編修方式。(4)DVD光碟的內容與製作過程及檔案編修方式。 Syllabus Introducing the informaion content based on the CD-ROM(DVD-ROM):(1)Music CD-ROM's content and how to make it and the file producing method. (2)VCD CD-ROM's content and how to make it and the file producing method. (3)Hybrid CD-ROM's content and how to make it and the file producing method. (4)DVD-ROM's content and how to make it and the file producing method.