朝陽科技大學 094學年度第2學期教學大綱
Technical English 科技英文

當期課號 3371 Course Number 3371
授課教師 黃仲楷 Instructor HUANG,CHUNG KAI
中文課名 科技英文 Course Name Technical English
開課單位 應用外語系(二進)四A Department  
修習別 選修 Required/Elective Elective
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 學生將在這門課中習得與科技領域相關的專業字彙。學生亦將習得應用於業界及一般工程學行話的專有名詞。 Objectives Students in this class will learn specialized vocabulary related to their specific majors in technical/scientific fields. Students will also learn how "terms of art" are used in industry and common engineering "slang".
教材 Glendinning, E. H. & McEwan, J. (2002). Information Technology. New York: Oxford University Press. Teaching Materials Glendinning, E. H. & McEwan, J. (2002). Information Technology. New York: Oxford University Press.
成績評量方式 1. 課程參與 20%
2. 期中/期末考 50%
3. 小組報告 30%
Grading Your final grade will be calculated from a multitude of assessments as follows:

1. Class participation 20%
This includes attendance and participation in class activities. Please be sure to come to class on time, and prepared (i.e. having completed the assigned readings and other assignments, if any) for discussion. It is expected that you will attend every class and participate actively in discussion. Please let me know that you will miss a class as soon as you become aware of a problem.

2. Quizzes 50%
There will be two quizzes during this semester for the units we cover. The dates for the quizzes will be announced in class. Missed quizzes which you are excused must be made up. However, missed quizzes will be excused only if you present a medical excuse or in the event of an emergency which is discussed with me prior to your absence.

3. Group Report 30%
Each group will investigate one interesting IT topic and be responsible for the write-up of their report. The final report will be presented by PowerPoint slides. Please discuss the content with the teacher before you make the presentation. The grading rubric will be discussed then.
教學內容 本課程內容主要以資訊科技為主軸,藉由相關的議題(電腦軟硬體、網路、多媒體、資訊發展),整合學生的背景知識,進而培養學生對科技英語的相關能力。 Syllabus This course aims at developing students' all-around skills (i.e. reading, listening, speaking, writing, and language) through a variety of topics in IT (Information Technology). We will investigate the different topics in the text through areas of computers, application programs, multimedia, Internet, recent development in IT, etc. Students are expected to integrate their content knowledge with English, and apply it to a variety of tasks and assignments in a meaningful way.