朝陽科技大學 094學年度第2學期教學大綱
The Art of the Film 電影藝術

當期課號 3343 Course Number 3343
授課教師 党永順 Instructor  
中文課名 電影藝術 Course Name The Art of the Film
開課單位 傳播藝術系(二進)三A Department  
修習別 必修 Required/Elective Required
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 教學目標:
Objectives 1. Gain an understanding of film aesthetics (knowledge) 2. Interpret film images (skills) 3. Cultivate an attitude of self-learning (development) 4. Refine oral communication skills (other)
教材 自編教材 Teaching Materials Instructor-Compiled Materials
成績評量方式 B或C任選一項
A. 期中分組討論(40%,討論與小組報告各佔20%)
B. 期末分組討論(30%)
C. 個人學期報告(30%)
D. 出席率與課堂參與(30%)
Grading Either B or C accounts for the final.
A. Midterm Group Presentation 40%
B. Final Group Presentation 30%
C. Term Paper 30%
D. Attendance and Participation 30%
教學內容 本課程每學期均有不同之主題。本學期將以超現實主義電影為主題,探討超現實電影的各種相關議題:如獨特的視覺語言,與社會、文化的互動,受達達主義、荒謬主義和精神分析的影響,對社會制度與宗教的批判,與當時繪畫和文學的呼應,以及如何從當代後結構主義的族群、性別、性向、和階級等觀點看待超現實電影。 Syllabus This course features a different subject each semester. This time we will examine the surrealist film and the issues in question: how surrealism arose as a cultural movement in the mid-1920’s; how its unique visuals are related to painting, literature, and the Dadaist movement; how a surrealist film displays a similar anti-conventional and absurdist bias, but also seeks to recreate the poetry of the mind, especially with the help of Freud, and make a more pronounced and political attack on the establishment, with some help also from Marx. Finally, how should we interpret a surrealism film within the context of post-structuralist perspectives of ethnicity, sex, sexuality, and class?